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Electricity Dataflow Management & Industry Interaction Processes

Electricity Data Flow Management

Electricity Dataflow Management is at the heart of ERS, not an add on.

Electricity Dataflow Management Overview

Market Domain Data (MDD), the MRASCo Dataflow Transfer Catalogue (DTC), MPAS Database and Line Loss Factors are stored and maintained via ERS administration utilities and shared by the pricing, billing and supply point management functions within the EDW electricity retail software suite.

Your users have a complete customer-oriented view of industry data due to the integrated nature of ERS avoiding business and process silos that result in dirty data and poor productivity.

ERS translates the electricty data flows into user-friendly screen views to support your users in going about their day to day business. All electricity data flows are stored within the ERS application and can easily be reviewed or by using standard clipboard copy functions exports to Word or Excel.

ERS interacts directly with the industry Data Transfer Network (DTN) service provided by Electralink. All industry dataflow are validated and sophisticated workflow-driven exception management functionality ensures that industry data is aligned between all market participants.

Your users can quickly create all outbound data flows as defined in the MRASCo Data Transfer Catalogue, where possible ERS will auto-populate data flow fields and all data flow are validated against the DTC prior to transmission.

ERS meter point administration functionality delivers market-leading electricity settlement performance whilst ensuring market compliance.

Your productivity is maximised and operating costs minimised by the automation of collaboration with industry participants (Data Collectors, Meter Operators, Data Aggregators and MPAS) for all core industry processes and data management  including:

  • Electricity supply registration, loss, objection process, disputed opening meter read, disconnection, de-energisation, meter replacement, change of agent, D0095 exception management, D0235 exception management, illegal extraction, new connections, change of measurement class, related meter points and supplier hub management.

ERS support both MRASCo DTC, DCC, CSS and NETA  electricty data flows. Regular maintenance releases are provided in line with industry change to ensure that ERS remains industry compliant.

Anticipating and remedying the most frequently encountered challenges to data integrity greatly reduces the cost of operations. The ERS software design goal is to ensure exceptions are processed proactively and to enable accurate and timely billing by overcoming the challenges of data integrity and efficient data management.

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Milton Keynes
Tel: +44 (0)8448 802 489
Email: info@edwtech.com

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