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Phone us on:
+44 (0)8448 802 489

ERS facilitates the healthy growth of your business,
delivering high performance at low cost

EDW are industrial & commercial
pricing and billing specialists

Delivering world-class software
solutions and professional services

ERS is a complete end-to-end
solution - quote to bill

ERS is an enterprise-class suite
of software for electricity retailers

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Delivering world-class software solutions and professional services relies on the right people with the right knowledge. Over the last 16 years EDW has built up a highly experienced and dedicated team to deliver professional services.

EDW combines a comprehensive knowledge of the retail electricity market and IT solutions with a 'can do' attitude and the agility to support your business objectives.

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The Energy Retail Suite uses nothing but time-tested technological standards. The only surprise in our system is how reliable it is. The Energy Retail Suite platform is built on EDW’s n-tiered, JAVA, highly flexible and scalable technology architecture. It offers super-fast processing to support NHH & HH business processes, including the faster switching programme CSS adapter, delivering the highest level of performance to optimise your business and your bottom line.

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Energy Management

TEAM (Energy Auditing Agency Ltd) are part of the EDW Group of companies providing Energy Management Solutions to over 300 customers including Monitoring and Targeting software, Outsourced Bill Validation Service and Energy Consultancy.

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We find that our customers tend to need minimal support simply because the Energy Retail Suite is developed, maintained and upgraded according to the standard best practices.

When you do need support, however, EDW is committed to resolving any issue as rapidly as possible. We know that the time you spend on software issues is time you don’t spend making money.

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The EDW Support team is responsible for delivering train the trainer workshop based training - teaching your designated training personnel how to use and optimise your implementation of the Energy Retail Suite. Comprehensive training material is available to support your in house training team, your Energy Retail Suite users and your IT support personnel.

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EDW’s tried and tested implementation blueprint ensures your implementation of the Energy Retail Suite is on time and on budget. EDW will adapt the Energy Retail Suite to your needs through configuration. You get the cost advantages of off-the-shelf products with the operational efficiencies inherent in software that works the way you need it to work. Configuration, Not Customisation.

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Electricity Retail Software - Perfect for Electricity Suppliers

Our electricity retail and generation software solutions are designed to meet the needs of your electricity supply business, whatever your stage of growth - from start-ups looking to enter the market, established mid-market independents looking to scale and grow, all the way through to enterprise scale electricity suppliers.

By combining electricity industry data with structured products and customised rules our electricity pricing and quoting software enables users to create complex, multiple pricing quotes in minutes. Our electricity retail billing software handles pass-through, flex and group accounts easily with the ability to establish and maintain, multi-site customer hierarchies involving supply contracts with multiple billing aggregation points.

By choosing the EDW energy retail suite as your single integrated electricity CRM software solution you will deliver to your business a cohesive and efficient IT future.


EDW House
Radian Court
Milton Keynes
Tel: +44 (0)8448 802 489
Email: info@edwtech.com

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