Electricity Billing Software
On Time Accurate Billing
ERS is an intelligent electricity billing system for time of use, interval electricity billing, based on time of day, day of week and seasonal parameters including Distribution and Network billing and provides you with the flexibility to quickly set up complex accounts, handle any bill calculation and allow your customers to view and understand their invoices. The ERS electricity billing system supports complex group account hierarchies.
ERS Group Account Hierarchies
ERS delivers on time accurate billing
The ERS electricity billing software engine handles interval data, non-half hourly data and unmetered data supporting a wide range of products to support meeting all the needs of your SME and Industrial & Commercial customers.
Generating monthly invoices is a very resource-intensive process, but needs to be carried out quickly. ERS is architected to continuously calculate invoice lines in the background, as soon as new meter readings become available. As a result when invoices are generated, typically at month end, the individual lines have already prepared in advance and only need to be combined into an invoice. This feature enables a lightning-fast billing run.
ERS’s unique Bill Review Ticket functionality delivers in excess of 50 billing validation computations and provides users with worklist driven Bill Review Ticket exceptions where any configurable validation rules are not met to ensure that your bills are accurate.
Avoid sending incorrect invoices to customers
Multiple invoice formats allows separate customer segments to be treated differently, minimising delayed payments through easy to read and understandable invoices. The dedicated GUI enables administrators to monitor the automated billing process and address quickly any issues that arise.
Before sending out the invoices, ERS validates every amount and reports any exceptions by way of a Billing Review Ticket. Over 50 bill validation rules have been developed to ensure your customers are billed accurately.
These validation features greatly reduce the risk and costs associated with sending out erroneous invoices to your customers.
Create, present and distribute accurate invoices for payment
ERS generates invoices as PDF files which are available for user review within the application. These PDF’s can be processed for local printing or packaged for print fulfilment by a third party.
To reduce printing needs, ERS offers online invoices through its web portal – customers are automatically provided with email notification when new billing document are posted to the portal. ERS monitors to check that bill documents are accessed by your customers. The customers sales ledger account is flagged to indicate when bill documents have been accessed by the customer via the portal.
Detailed HH consumption data is also produced in a CSV format and published via the customer portal.