Change of tenancy
With 15% of SME businesses moving premises each year, effective management of business movers is a significant challenge for all suppliers, and without appropriate system functionality to manage this difficult business process your profit margin can be seriously eroded.
ERS provides you with workflow-driven change of tenancy (COT) functionality and fully supports deemed billing in order to minimise lost revenue opportunities due to unbilled sites.
Your business may record a COT notification as a result of interaction with the customer (either existing or new customer), interaction with the TPI, meter reader feedback, stopped payments or returned post.
When recognising that a COT has occurred the ERS system allows the user to capture:
- Change of Responsibility Date (either in the future or past)
- Date Notified
- Readings
- Original Contact forwarding Details:
- Telephone
- Mobile
- Fax
- Forwarding Address
- New Responsible Party
- Account Reference
- Business Name
- Legal Entity
- Company Registration Number
- Customer Type (I&C or SME)
- Servicing Model (Standard or Bespoke)
- Contact Name
- Telephone
- Mobile
- Fax
- Registered Address
- Billing Address
On confirmation of COT ERS automatically creates a Sales Lead for the Occupier at the supplied premises and a user can elect to create a Sales Lead for the Move Out customer.
Your users can choose to create a COT letter from the Change of Tenancy interface while the COT is pending and send this letter to either the outgoing customer at their forwarding address or the incoming prospect at the contracted address.
If the outgoing tenant provides a final invoicing address your user can update the affected billing groups appropriately. Once this is done all further billing communications will be sent to the address captured.
When a Change of Tenancy is confirmed ERS updates the original contract with the termination of occupancy date of the supplies affected. If the change of tenancy removes the last supply(s) associated to the original contract the system initiates the contract end process.
ERS automatically creates a new deemed contract in the name of the incoming tenant and associates the supplies that were on the COT’d site to the new contract from the termination of occupancy date. Any technical supply point configuration changes are carried over onto the new contract.
The new deemed contract start date is set to the termination of occupancy date. On creation, the deemed contract is sent a communication that outlines the deemed rates that the supply(s) are subject to and the deemed terms and conditions, as well as sales information to prompt the tenant to request a contract. If the COT has been identified retrospectively ERS automatically raises the required billing to bring the account to date.
ERS also provides functionality to retrospectively update the supply rates and rebill the new tenant if decided to be necessary. If it is decided that the business does not wish to enter into contract with the new tenant the system caters for the selection and issuing of a communication.