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Change of Agent & Disputed Meter Reading

In order to minimise your operational  costs  for managing change of agent as a result of changes in supply hub strategy or Smart Metering customer requirements, ERS provides a fully automated process to support either single MPAN hub changes or bulk changes.

For bulk change of agent a user can upload CSV files containing agent change details into ERS. On loading, the file is validated and where appropriate exceptions are notified to the user.  ERS automatically completes the industry change of agent process ensuring that all steps in the process complete and report exceptions to users via the ERS Meter Point Administration exception manager workflow function.

Bulk change of Non Half Hourly Agent has attracted significant scrutiny from the BSC Panel and Performance Assurance Board (PAB) to ensure when responsibilities for large volumes of Non Half Hourly (NHH) Metering Systems change, it is done in a controlled way. Failure for suppliers to complete the change of agent process successfully can lead to BSC Supplier Charges. Supplier Charges are liquidated damages that Suppliers incur if they fail to meet certain performance levels as part of the BSC remedial technique in their Performance Assurance Framework.

ERS delivers these controls and automation to cost effectively manage the your Change of Agent process.

Disputed opening and closing meter readings (NHH)

Managing your customer NHH opening and closing reading can be a complex and time consuming process. ERS provides you with an automated, workflow driven process to ensure that your customer opening and closing reads are accurate. The disputed opening and closing meter reading process is an industry defined process that can be difficult to manage and resource intensive. ERS takes the pain out of managing this process.

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EDW House
Radian Court
Milton Keynes
Tel: +44 (0)8448 802 489
Email: info@edwtech.com

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