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Credit & Debt Management

Security deposits

From time to time suppliers require a customer to pay a deposit or provide another form of (non-monetary) security. Users of ERS can record details of a request for a deposit against the customer record.  This includes the date of the request, the value of the deposit requested and any notes on the terms of the deposit.

An ERS user is able to create a deposit account for a customer and record details of any receipts received as security against this account.

If required, an ERS user is able to transfer funds from the customer's security deposit account to the customer’s sales ledger account where it can then be allocated against transactions.

Direct debit automation and payment processing

ERS provides a fully automated direct debit capability as well as payments through BACS transfer or cheque.

ERS caters for the recording of credit and debit card payments taken over the telephone. The payments are processed using a third-party application and then recorded in the system using the ability to define an ad hoc receipt.

The system provides a complete view of all previous payments that have been received for a customer.

Lower the costs of credit management

Lowering the cost of credit management is an important goal for your business. ERS’s payments and collections solution offers a range of options to facilitate bill payment, improve cash flow, manage security deposits, credit limits and accurate payments collections

ERS’s integrated sales ledger and payment collection functionality puts you in full control of collecting and managing outstanding debts. It focuses on providing customer-friendly credit control and flexible payment arrangement options whilst offering reporting capabilities on all aspects of debt and overdue accounts. All revenue management capabilities are integrated with the billing functionality to ensure accurate invoicing and receipting against your customer accounts.

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EDW House
Radian Court
Milton Keynes
Tel: +44 (0)8448 802 489
Email: info@edwtech.com

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