Industry News Roundup January 2024
Wednesday 31/01 – Ofgem publishes the buy-out price, mutualisation threshold, and ceilings for the 2024-25 obligation period of the Renewables Obligation scheme.
Tuesday 30/01 – The Climate Change Committee (CCC) publishes a review in which it examines the key outcomes of COP28 and identifies further actions the UK should take. DESNZ publishes a letter confirming the Capacity Market Auction Parameters for delivery years 2024-25 and 2027-28.
Monday 29/01 – The UK Government announces that the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) Phase 3: Spring 2024 is open for applications. Ofgem issues its consultation on proposed changes to the licence fee cost recovery principles.
Friday 26/01 – DESNZ publishes the outcome of its Green Gas Support Scheme mid-scheme review consultation, summarising the consultation responses received and outlining its final policy decisions.
Thursday 25/01 – The UK Government announces that it has awarded £80.6mn of funding to four green heating projects through its Green Heat Network Fund.
Wednesday 24/01 – The National Audit Office publishes a new report titled The government’s support for biomass.
Tuesday 23/01 – The EDF Group announces that the expected start of electricity production at its Hinkley Point C nuclear project has been delayed from the previously scheduled date of 2027.
Monday 22/01 – National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) announces that the name of the forthcoming Future System Operator (FSO) will be the National Energy System Operator (NESO).
Friday 19/01 – Ofgem publishes an open letter on its current views on the rollout of smart meters to prepayment and Radio Tele Switch customers.
Thursday 18/01 – The UK Government published a consultation on potential transitional support mechanisms to facilitate large-scale biomass electricity generators in their planned transition to power bioenergy carbon capture and storage.
Wednesday 17/01 – DESNZ publishes an announcement urging low income households to check if they need to undertake further actions to receive a £150 rebate on their energy bills.
Tuesday 16/01 – The UK Government publishes a consultation seeking views on the new Pumpwatch scheme it is developing. Under the proposals, all fuel stations across the country would be legally required to share real-time fuel price information within 30 minutes of any change in price to an organisation to be appointed by the government.
Monday 15/01 – Ofgem publishes its decision to approve P432 Half Hourly Settlement for CT Advanced Metering Systems for implementation. The proposed modification will set explicit obligations for all Current Transformer advanced meters to be settled on a half hourly basis by Market Half Hourly Settlement Milestone M14.
Friday 12/01 – Ofgem publishes its decision to approve the proposed methodology for the Use of Congestion Income of interconnectors.
Thursday 11/01 – The UK Government publishes several documents outlining, what it states to be, plans for the biggest expansion of nuclear power for 70 years to reduce electricity bills and improve energy security. The UK Government publishes a consultation seeking views on potential changes to Allocation Round 7 (AR7) and future allocation rounds of the Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme.
Wednesday 10/01 – Ofgem gives notice of its decision to impose a financial penalty on Hudson Energy Supply UK following its investigation into the company’s billing and communication activities.
Tuesday 09/01 – The UK Government announces that it has issued a consultation on policy framework designed to enable investment in long duration electricity storage (LDES).
Monday 08/01 – Ofgem confirms that Scottish Power, EDF Energy, and Octopus Energy meet new rules allowing them to install prepayment meters (PPMs) for recovering debt without a household’s permission.
Friday 05/01 – Ofgem approves modification UNC855 Settlement Adjustment for Supply Meter Points Impacted by the Central Switching System P1 Incident and modification IGT171, of the same name.
Thursday 04/01 – Keir Starmer reaffirms in his New Year’s Speech that Labour’s clean energy target of decarbonising the electricity system by 2030 will not be delayed.
Wednesday 03/01 – The UK Government announces that the zero emission vehicle mandate, which requires all new cars and vans to be zero emission by 2035, has become law.
Written By Graham Paul